To avoid the dreaded early flight and ensure that you get out of bed in the morning, the iOS Clock app is a useful tool. One problem, though: it’s not an app that you’re likely to keep up-to-date. As time goes on, you’ll probably end up with a plethora of delete all alarms on iPhone unnecessary alerts.
Help is at hand if you’re having trouble erasing alarms from the Clock app on iOS devices.
One additional thing that’s wrong with the Clock app: there isn’t a straightforward method to launch it and remove all of your alarms at once using Siri. Despite how obvious it is, this is not yet a basic functionality.
Siri makes it easy to remove an alarm, which is a relief. The first step in using Siri is to activate it by holding down the home or standby button, whatever is applicable to your iPhone. Speak next:
Hey Siri, I need you to remove all of the clock alarms from my app.
The next step is to confirm that you wish to remove all of your alarms by answering yes to a question. Choose “Yes” when prompted.
The iPhone Clock App: How to Remove Individual Alarms
Some users have experienced a problem with deleting all of their alarms using Siri. This seems to arise if you have many, many alarms. If Siri responds with something like “Sorry, there is something wrong. Please try again,” then you’ll need to do just that. You might notice that some of the alarms have been to delete all alarms on iPhone, but not all. So, just continue the process until they’re all wiped out.
Not only can you ask Siri to remove alarms, but you can also remove them one by one via the Clock app. If your device has less than ten alerts, you might find this method more convenient.
To remove certain alerts by hand:
Get the Clock app going.
To disable an alarm, just swipe it to the left. Eventually, you should see a red Delete button.
To finish disabling the alert, tap Delete.
You can also go to Edit and tap the – sign, before selecting Delete when the button shows up on your screen.
There Are Ghost Alerts on My iPhone. Would You Know How To Get Rid Of Them?
There have been reports of consumers being unable to delete all alarms on iPhone “ghost alarms” from their iPhones. In such a case, you have two options.
Before You Go to Bed, delete all alarms on iPhone
You can relax and get ready for sleep with the help of the Health app’s Sleep feature. Consequently, you may find that you sleep better. If you want an alarm to go off at specific times each day, turn off the upcoming alarm you can adjust that setting as follows.
Launch the Health app and navigate to the Sleep tab.
Find Your Schedule and press the Edit button.
Once again, choose Edit under Full Schedule.
Locate the “Alarm Options” area at the very bottom of your screen. Turn off the alarm function.
Hit the Finish button once you’re done.
How to cancel or delete all alarms on iPhone & Android
- Start the Clock app.
- Tap the Alarm tab at the bottom of the screen.
- Find the alarm and tap it if needed to expand it, so you can see the details. Tap Delete.
How do you delete songs from your alarm on your iPhone?
The only way to remove a song is to keep adding a new song until the one you want removed is removed. The two most played songs are added by default, & there is a limit of 5 songs that can be added. The only way to remove a song is to keep adding a new song until the one you want removed is removed